The Doug Wagner Show

The Doug Wagner Show

Want to know more about The Doug Wagner Show? Get his bio, and links to his social pages and blog articles on Newsradio 600 WMT and News/Talk 1420...Full Bio


Never mind the markets. Concentrate on what YOU can change

COVID, derecho, inflation including gas, food and energy prices, recession, now potential layoffs in the offing. Instead of freaking out about what you CAN'T control, why not focus on what you CAN control?

Money in the chute of a gas representing high gas prices

This is the place where all your money has been going lately.Photo: Getty Images

Using a cash-back or cents off gas card is really helpful. Many of the buys at the grocery store are things you really do need, so try to limit it to them, if you have to. Another ploy is to actually map out your errands so you can hit everything in a row, then get home.

Blurred abstract image. Goods on the shelf of a grocery store. Meat and sausage products

Blurred abstract image. Goods on the shelf of a grocery store. Meat and sausage products.Photo: Getty Images

While I like shopping at my local grocery store, I really do appreciate Costco, and I learned something heading into this whole maelstrom beginning in late 2019; shop ahead of the curve. If you can bulk buy and shop for multiple families, do so. Buy the two or three giant bags of toilet paper and split the cost. Same for the produce, which comes in "family of eight" sizes. In fact, it's not a bad idea to have a get together at your house and invite everyone to come over for a grocery list party! Cocktails are required! You can even get the prices from the website, so you can split the costs, Do NOT forget any applicable sales tax!


A woman turns down the thermostat.Photo: Getty Images

Something you should consider is using Mother Nature to heat and cool your home. By this, I mean opening the windows overnight and closing them again during the day. Right now, we're dropping to upper 50's for lows, so tonight, I'm opening the windows. Yes, it's going to be humid, but once I get back home tomorrow morning and close them, the AC will remove that humidity, while the temps will still be in a great range. Of course, if you have BRUTAL allergies, this is something you'll have to take into account.

view of inside of refrigerator with healthy food

view of inside of refrigerator with healthy food Photo: Getty Images

One final note, and something I have trouble with, is overstocking the fridge. Having less in the fridge makes it easier for the air to circulate and cool and KEEP cool the inside. Same for the freezer. Speaking of which, make sure to defrost your deep freeze at least ONCE per year!

Many meat in refrigetator freezer isolated on white background. Closeup lot of raw pork, fish, meat and chicken in freezing compartment

Many meat in refrigetator freezer isolated on white background. Closeup lot of raw pork, fish, meat and chicken in freezing compartmentPhoto: Getty Images

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