Recently, US News and World Report listed Iowa as the top state in which to live. As Iowans, most of us celebrated. Now, there were some who showed off their self-loathing and poo-pooed the rankings.
Then comes along InsideHook. I like this website for information, and they ALSO have updates on great sales from some of the coolest online stores in the country. Problem is, they titled this online piece: IOWA ISN’T THE ‘BEST STATE,’ BECAUSE RANKING STATES IS RATHER STUPID.
Well then. I'm gonna guess you think it's stupid because New York was shown to be the below average state it is. InsideHook, you can tout New York's diversity, but you've not met my friends from all over the country and the world. InsideHook, you can crack on the "quality of life" of Midwestern states. but please don't forget the killing fields that you walk through everyday. InsideHook, you can make fun of our status as "First In the Country" for our caucuses as soon as you guys stop electing crooks, socialists and crooks. Did I mention crooks?
Sure, New York has a lot to be proud of, but in the end, while New York may be a great place to visit, it SURE ain't a "best place to live."