Volunteers dig through the remnants of a house in the days before RAGBRAI, slated to come through Greenfield on July 23rd.
(Greenfield, IA) -- Greenfield continues cleaning up and is now starting to rebuild after the fatal EF-4 tornado that swept through on May 21st.
"Just looking back, it's tremendous the amount of work that we've done here," said Jeremy Cooper, Guthrie and Adair Emergency Management Coordinator, "there's an astronomical amount of damage."
Cooper says they're trying get all of the cleanup complete before RAGBRAI comes through next week, on Tuesday, July 23rd. After that, efforts will shift to rebuilding.
"We've got at least two houses being built right now, and I think there's another three slated to be done and set, they're [prefabricated] houses, around September or October," Cooper said. He said they'll be looking for people with building skills to help with those projects.
Four people were killed in Greenfield by the tornado. Cleanup efforts have been underway for nearly eight weeks. They're still looking for volunteers, especially this week in the days before RAGBRAI. Those who want to help out can go to the temporary fire station at 801 Northeast 6th Street (highway 25), on the north side of Greenfield. Or call 913-961-4717.