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(Iowa City, IA) -- University of Iowa Health Care providers are predicting Iowa children ages 5-to-11 could start getting coronavirus vaccinations in about a week, pending final approval. Director of Pediatrics for U I Health Care, Dr. Rami Boutros and Chief Pharmacy Officer Dr. Mike Brownlee addressed questions about the vaccine today during a news conference. Dr. Boutros says the risk of complications from the virus far outweighs any possible complication from the vaccine. He also says while children generally recover quickly from a COVID-19 infection they can still spread the virus to others who may have serious complications.
Dr. Brownlee says the dose pending final approval for younger children is one-third the dose of that being given to teens and adults. He says studies have shown a strong immune system response with minimal side effects.
Dr. Boutros says millions of COVID-19 vaccinations have been administered in the U-S and they've not seen long-term adverse impacts from the vaccine. He says the risk from the vaccine is very small compared to the long-term impacts and severity of getting the virus. "The more people we get vaccinated, the sooner we will be able to overcome the pandemic," said Dr. Boutros.
The Iowa Department of Public Health said this week the state is expecting to receive nearly 100-thousand doses of the vaccine for younger children.