Cornell College Taking Steps To Stop COVID-19

Cornell College in Mount Vernon is taking steps to stop the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus.

The first day of classes was Monday and KCRG-TV9 reports the school hopes it'll be easier to keep kids on campus because the campus is smaller.

Face masks are required while on Cornell's campus and hundreds of students and staff are being tested for coronavirus every couple weeks.

Cornell College President Jonathan Brand tells KCRG-TV 9 he learned a lot seeing other Iowa college campuses welcome students back, like what to do when or if a COVID outbreak happens on his campus.

“If you asked me this two or three months ago, the prevailing wisdom would have been to send students home and now the national guidance at this point, is keep them on campus and keep them on campus a bit more,” Brand says.

(Photo from KCRG-TV 9)

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