Return To School Guidance Issued By Linn County Public Health

The Linn County Public Health Department released its “Return to School Guidance” on Wednesday

Public health officials say the guidance provides recommendations for how to keep school environments as safe as possible for both students and staff. They said it’s also based on the best public health data available as of this time.

“Recommended health practices are additional strategies that schools may choose to use to minimize the spread of COVID-19,” Linn County Public Health Director Pramod Dwivedi said in a statement. “LCPH recognizes that there are diverse learning environments that will require teams to use thoughtful strategies when applying guidance to meet the health and safety needs of all students and staff. Not all recommended practices will be possible in all settings, and therefore should be tailored as appropriate.”

Key recommendations include:

  • Staff and students should stay home when ill. 
  • Encourage hand washing and use of hand sanitizer when hand washing is not available.
  • Encourage students and staff to cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Recommendation for students and staff to wear cloth face coverings or masks, with options to remove masks in certain situations.
  • Maintain physical distance of 6 feet between students and staff when possible, and utilize alternate prevention methods when physical distancing is not possible.
  • Students and staff should be reminded to not touch their face and minimize touching other individuals, i.e. handshaking, hugging, fist bumps, high-fives, etc.
  • Discontinue use of shared or communal items or disinfect between each use. 
  • Frequent disinfection of high touch surfaces. 
  • Screen for symptoms both at home and school.

Empty elementary classroom during recess.

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