Cedar Rapids School Construction Slowed Due To COVID-19 Cases

The construction of Hazel Point Intermediate School in Cedar Rapids is delayed after several construction workers test positive for coronavirus.

However, school leaders say it's still likely students will be able to make it to class on the first day. The new school building is for students in the Linn-Mar School District.

Kevin Fry is school district’s communications coordinator and says the school will prioritize student’s safety. “The health and safety of our students and staff is always our first priority at Linn-Mar,” Fry tells KCRG-TV 9. “We will work with the contractors to assure that our buildings are ready to provide a safe learning environment for everyone in preparation for the first day of school, Monday, August 24.″

Darin Foreman, who is the project executive for Knutson Construction, said workers at the project site tested positive and the company is following all the safety protocols to keep workers safe.

KCRG-TV 9 reports the kitchen will not be completed until later in the school year, but another school nearby will provide meals during that time.

(Photo: KCRG-TV 9)

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