ICR IOWA recently announced the launch of the ICR Career Collective, an initiative designed to offer a rapid response to the changing regional workforce needs due to COVID-19.

“The ICR Career Collective offers unified support for our employers and workers who are experiencing changes in their employment due to COVID-19,” said Jennifer Daly, CEO for ICR IOWA. “We are working closely with our partners to share timely workforce-related information and resources with employers, while also promoting job opportunities to individuals experiencing lay-offs due to the pandemic.”

The ICR Career Collective includes a web page , electronic newsletter , and a Facebook Group to support a rapid sharing of information among workforce partners, employers, and workers. Resources and links to sign up for publications andsocial mediacan be found on the web page at .

“We want to be as helpful as possible to both job seekers and employers by providing job openings, sharing events, and being a constant referral source,” said Tim Carty, Director of Talent Attraction for ICR IOWA. “Our relationships with candidates and hiring managers throughout the region can be used to help build virtual connections through emails and social media.”

Employers who have immediate job openings they would like to share, can submit them via asimple formon the ICR Career Connective website. Job seekers can review those opportunities on the web page and also in the ICR Career Collective Facebook Group.

For more information about the ICR Career Collective, please contact Tim Carty attcarty@icriowa.orgor go

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