City of Cedar Rapids Transit Suspending Service

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – (March 23, 2020) – City of Cedar Rapids Transit will suspend fixed-route transit service effective this Wednesday, March 25 as an additional measure to limit the potential spread of COVID-19. Like other recent City service and facility changes, the suspension of Transit is being done in response to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House, and the Iowa Department of Public Health, which caution against gatherings of people to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

“Suspending a service like transit is a difficult decision but it’s one we must make to help prevent a possible spike in the number of cases that could overwhelm medical facilities,” said City Manager Jeff Pomeranz. “We have been taking measures to regularly clean and completely sanitize all of our buses daily, but they are still confined spaces that fill with many people throughout the day. We are at a critical moment to prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19. It’s vital that we take the actions needed to protect our community.”

Cedar Rapids Transit service will continue today and tomorrow, Monday March 23 and Tuesday March 24. After close of business on March 24 the transit service will be suspended until April 13, 2020.

Neighborhood Transportation Service (NTS) at Horizons will be expanding their after-hours service to provide day-time rides to work for those with critical employment transportation needs such as work athospitals, grocery stores, care facilities, and convenience stores/gas stations. To schedule a ride, citizens should call319-363-1321at least 24 hours in advance.For more information about NTS services, schedules and regulations visit

Linn County LIFTS Paratransit service will continue to provide rides to existing customers for essential services including medical trips, pharmacy, dialysis or grocery. All other persons in need of essential medical transportation can contact LIFTS at 319-892-5170 to see if rides are available. Priority will be given to seniors and persons with disabilities. Vehicle capacity will be limited to follow social distancing protocols.

NTS and LIFTS fares will be waived until further notice.

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