Wintry Mix Moving Through Iowa Today

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG-TV9) - Temperatures will once again play an important role in what kind of precipitation we get. We’ll be cold enough late Wednesday night into Thursday morning that whatever falls will come down as snow. It looks like it should be relatively light and scattered with minor accumulations under an inch. The best chance of that happening will be closer to Tama through Waterloo and Decorah.

In the afternoon, a layer of warm air aloft will move from south to north. That will cause precipitation to gradually turn to freezing rain. In places where the ground temperature rises above 32 degrees, it’ll switch to plain old rain showers. However, north of Highway 20 may not get that warm and has the highest chance of seeing the freezing rain last longer. As temperatures fall a bit again late Thursday evening and Thursday night, precipitation should be mainly freezing rain.

As was the case on Monday, a change of one or two degrees will be the difference between rain and freezing rain. Some ice accumulation is possible where untreated. Travel will be slower at times, especially on rural roads and residential streets. Main highways are being treated to help keep them from turning icy. However, some of those could still turn slick, especially on bridges and overpasses.

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