August 12th, Noelridge Greenhouse Celebrates 50th Anniversary

I'm going to bet that fewer than 10% of Cedar Rapidians have ever been to the Noelridge Greenhouse. Despite being at the corner of one of the most heavily trafficked corners in Cedar Rapids (Collins and Council NE), it's almost as if there's so much park that people don't beat down the doors.

BUT! Now is THEIR time to shine! From a City of Cedar Rapids news release:

"While the Parks Department has been producing flowers for public spaces in Cedar Rapids since 1930, the greenhouse at Noelridge Park just turned 50 this year. The Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Department will be celebrating this milestone with an open house at Noelridge Greenhouse, 4900 Council Street NE, on Friday, August 12 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

A family-friendly event is planned with the unveiling of a new mural at 4:00 p.m. The event includes a plant give-away; tours of the greenhouse, gardens, and butterfly tent; displays by Harshbarger Hosta Society, Eastern Iowa Orchid Society, Indian Creek Nature Center, and Trees Forever; balloons by Sparkles the Clown, games, and crafts. A scavenger hunt and plant trivia will be available with prizes. City vehicles will be on display including the Rollin’ Recmobile, the Parks tractor, a Forestry truck, a Fire truck, and a Police car.

In addition, farmers market vendors will attend. Visitors will be able to purchase face painting, food, crafts, and pressed flower cards. Available vendors will be Kettle Corn, Beverly’s BBQ, Peppy’s Ice Cream, Good Morals Pizza, Goods from the Woods, and Revive Family Chiropractic.

For more information, please contact Lori Farmer, Lead Greenhouse Worker, at 319-286-5760 or

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