CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – April 17, 2020 – Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Linn County Master Gardeners (LCMG) annual Charlene Woeste Memorial Plant Sale will be held on-line this year. The LCMG have held a plant sale for 38 years, and this is the first time it has been done online. The sale opens on May 8 at 8 am and will close at 4 pm on May 14 at Plants purchased may then be picked up at Lowe Park in Marion May 18-21 at specified times. For safety, there will be five stations spaced around the parking lot, and staggered pick up times.

Plants for sale have been grown in the Lowe Park Greenhouse by Master Gardeners, and from their own personal gardens. There will be a variety of lawn, garden and house plants for sale, including succulents, hosta, tomato and peppers, and day lilies. Typically there have been approximately 3,000 plants available for purchase each year. Buyers will come to Lowe Park parking lot to pick up the ordered plants which will be placed in the buyer’s trunk. To minimize personal contact, only check or credit card orders can be processed; no cash will be accepted. The plant sale is one of the main funding sources for the Master Gardener program.

The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach carries Iowa State’s land-grant mission throughout all 99 counties of Iowa. Master Gardeners provide education and partnerships designed to solve today’s problems and prepare for the future by feeding people, keeping them healthy, helping their communities to prosper and thrive, and turning the world over to the next generation better than we found it. Master Gardeners are passionate about serving their communities and sharing gardening best practices. It is the acquisition of knowledge, the skill in gardening, and giving back to the community that distinguishes a Master Gardener from other gardeners.


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