February thaw coming to Eastern Iowa this weekend SNOW PACK MAP

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - A February thaw is coming to Iowa this weekend, with temperatures in the upper 30s and even high 40s Saturday and Sunday.

It's the clouds Saturday afternoon that will lead to the warmest temperatures Sunday, according to Meteorologist Amber Alexander.

She says the clouds hold the heat down at ground level.

Central Iowa will be even warmer, with highs in the 40s Saturday and likely the low 50s Sunday.

Even Mason City, in far North Central Iowa will get above freezing this weekend, into the upper 30s and low 40 range, after being the coldest spot in the state this week on January 31 at 2:53 a.m. at -29 degrees, and recording the coldest windchill on January 30 at 6:53 p.m. at -59 degrees.

Alexander says it won't be a good weekend for car washes because the dirty, melting snow will splash back up onto cars from the wet, sloppy roads.

WHO-TV has shared its Iowa snow pack map with us. Meteorologist Ed Wilson says the snow pack in most areas of the state is so deep the warm weather this weekend will lead to a lot of slush as the snow melts down.

Listen to AM 600 WMT in Cedar Rapids and AM 800 KXIC in Iowa City for the most current weather information from our news and wather partner KCRG-TV 9.

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