Free Election Day Bus Rides in CR, IC

Buses in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids will be offering free rides on November 6 in hopes of encouraging people to vote.

Both cities say their goal is to remove transportation as a barrier, and help people get to the polls and allow those interested the ability to vote.

Rides will be free on the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids Transits all day, with no proof of voter registration or destination required.

Riders are encouraged to find their find their polling place online before Election Day.

Iowa City Transit wants to let people know they don't directly serve the location of precinct 10, the Terry Trueblood Recreation Area. People hoping to vote at this location should use a ride share service or cab company.

Cedar Rapids buses run from 5:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. And polls are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. across the state.

If you are busy on election day, early voting is also available for residents. You can find out how by visiting the Johnson County Auditor's website.

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