Jordan Bohannon Reflects Iowa Nice

Doug here!

In order to pull off a Morning Show, I rely upon dozens upon DOZENS of different news and information sites every single day. Not just Monday through Friday, but everyday. My friends will tell you that it's an uncommon circumstance when my phone doesn't ping in any five minute period. So, when Iowa Hoops player Jordan Bohannon started showing up on ALL of my feeds, I was naturally curious. 

You see, because I get up so early, I rarely make it to the end of an evening basketball game. When J-Bo had the opportunity to break Chris Street's record for consecutive free throws without a miss, it was fairly late in their game against Northwestern. I was already asleep. But the rest of the world noticed.

Forbes Magazine did...

Sports Illustrated Online did...

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution did...

The Austin (TX) Statesman did...

And ABC@ News out of Baltimore did...

These are just a few of the stories that went out via the internet, wire services and radio and television. I think it's no coincidence that at roughly the same time, US News and World Report rated Iowa as the #1 place to live in the United States. In my opinion, yeah, it does have a lot to do with J-Bo...but it has more to do with what's inside of all of the rest of us Iowans, which he reflected to a national stage.

So thanks, Jordan! You epitomize the best in our youth and the best in our hearts. Thanks for all of your hard work throughout this year. But most of all, thanks for showing America what Iowa Nice is REALLY all about!

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